

Ref. 228236
WOT-ID: 36849

Day Date 40, Green Roman, box and paper, platinum, unworn, 2023


Ref. 16220
WOT-ID: 31935

Datejust, Cream DIal, steel, 1991


Ref. 178240
WOT-ID: 36740

Datejust, Floral Medium, box and paper, steel, 2012


Ref. 16200
WOT-ID: 34750

Datejust, box and paper, steel, 2004


Ref. 16220
WOT-ID: 36161

Datejust, Greyhound, steel, 1990


Ref. 16220
WOT-ID: 36337

Datejust, box and paper, steel, 2004


Ref. 16220
WOT-ID: 36817

Datejust, Black Dial, original paper, steel, 2000


Ref. 116200
WOT-ID: 33857

Datejust, box and paper, steel, 2016


Ref. 16200
WOT-ID: 36076

Datejust, Blue Dial, steel, 2003


Ref. 16200
WOT-ID: 36396

Datejust, Beautiful Condition, steel, 1999


Ref. 16200
WOT-ID: 32747

Datejust, box and paper, steel, 2001


Ref. 116200
WOT-ID: 35805

Datejust, box and paper, steel, 2006


Ref. 16234
WOT-ID: 36880

Datejust, grey dial, box and paper, steel, 1996


Ref. 178240
WOT-ID: 33066

Datejust, Medium, box and paper, steel, 2007


Ref. 116200
WOT-ID: 36609

Datejust, box and paper, steel, 2006

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